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Five score and eight years ago, the United Kingdom extinguished time-honored Biafran sovereignty. The British employed machine guns, blaspheming the gospel of government by the consent of the governed. Not a single Biafran voted for accession. to Nigeria. Its misbegotten colonial birth was an amalgamation of heterogeneous peoples conceived by the cynical policy of divide-and-conquer. In the previous century, the UK negotiated treaties with Biafran sovereigns, which acknowledged them as independent legal entities.

The 1960 decolonization of Nigeria was a lost opportunity to rectify the 1914 injustice and lawlessness. Instead of holding a Biafran statehood referendum as required by international law, the British handed the reins of power to its corrupt Fulani toadies in exchange for raw power and its economic privileges. International law, however, categorically declares: “All peoples have the right to self-determination.”

The 1967-1970 genocidal civil war was as predictable as the force of gravity. The radical Islamic Wahhabi descendants of Saudi Arabia were no more compatible with Christian Biafrans than panthers are with sheep.

The war’s end did not end persecution of Biafrans. All except treasonous, venal quislings enthusiastically supported Biafran statehood in the name of self-defense and self-preservation against the marauding, murderous, diabolical Fulani. Biafrans confronted a choice between life struggling for statehood or extermination by the Fulani under a sovereignty indistinguishable from a suicide pact.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has electrified the Biafran choice for life. He has heroically endured an attempted assassination, kidnapping, torture, extraordinary rendition, and indefinite, cruel, arbitrary detention as declared by the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to secure a rebirth of Biafra. All peoples of whatever race, religion, or ethnicity are endowed by their Creator with the unalienable right of self-preservation.

It is for us, today, to highly resolve that MNK’s sacrifices shall not have been in vain. It is for us, at this time and place, to hallow the life of Nnamdi Kanu through unsparing oblations at the altar of Biafran sovereignty. You shall be immortalized. You will reflect with pride that this was your finest hour.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Next year in Enugu!